Housing Stock Officer


  • Diploma or bachelor's degree in civil engineering, architecture, or a related field.
  • Minimum one year experience in property industry preferably in landed house.
  • Hands-on experience in home renovation and understanding of housing trends.
  • Strong knowledge of market prices and property valuation.
  • Placement: Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan.

Job Description:

  • Track and manage the availability of housing stock, ensuring up-to-date records.
  • Develop strategies to enhance property sales by implementing renovations or offering promotional incentives.
  • Assess and propose new pricing structures after renovations or necessary improvements.
  • Collaborate with internal teams, contractors, and suppliers to execute renovation plans efficiently.
  • Monitor market trends and competitor pricing to maintain competitive advantage.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
  • Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
  • Berapa lama waktu yang kamu butuhkan untuk memberi tahu perusahaanmu saat ini?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Renovation Coordinator?

Company profile

Company Logo for Jaya Real Property
Real Estate & Property101-1,000 employees

Established in 1979, PT Jaya Real Property Tbk is now one of the country's leading property developers, with a diverse portfolio of residential and commercial developments in South, West and Central Jakarta.

The Company's core business is developing integrated, sustainable communities with a broad product mix to serve customer's needs across a wide range of price segments. From the sourcing of land through the design, construction and selling of houses, the Company is strongly committed to maximizing value for our stakeholders.

The Company's flagship site, Bintaro Jaya, is a self-contained 2,000 hectare community that offers a diverse range of residential and commercial properties, supported by high quality educational, recreational and health care facilities and excellent transportation links to all parts of Jabodetabek.

With environment as our major focus, creates ECOmmunity that provides features and facilities consist of Energy Care, Earth Care, and Health Care.

Health Care features provide clean air and healthy water.

Earth Care features promote soil and forest conservation by minimizing the use of wood and preserve earth resources.

Energy Care features help the community to safe energy hence minimize the cost

for electricity.

By choosing ECOmmunity houses from Bintaro Jaya, you are making a wise decision for both your family and the environment.

Perks and benefits
Education support

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