Business Analyst (banking industry exp)

Nityo Infotech Services Philippines Inc.
Location: Makati
Schedule: Dayshift
Work Setup: Hybrid (Mostly work from home but open to work onsite if advise)

*Graduate of any Bachelors degree course
*With 5 years of experience in Business Analysis
*Must have experience in Agile
*Must have experience in Banking industry
*Can start ASAP

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Company profile

Nityo Infotech

Human Resources & Recruitment51-100 employees

Nityo Infotech Services Philippines, Inc. ( is a US head-quartered IT services company having operations in 17 countries with 27 offices across the globe including US, Europe and Asia.

Our portfolio of services includes technical and non-technical Manpower services to several on-shore and off-shore clients across the globe, including many Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 companies. It covers the commercial, industrial and government sectors, encompassing key vertical markets from: financial services, manufacturing and semiconductor, life sciences and healthcare, retail, telecommunications and utilities, system integrators, and up to independent software vendors.

Nityo Infotech Services Philippines, Inc. aims to be the most preferred Business Partner locally and globally by ensuring the recommended solutions are implemented in the shortest span of time thereby resulting in on time delivery. This gives optimum quality for our customers in finding the best resources to achieve their "CORE BUSINESS OBJECTIVES".

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