Aesthetician- RN/ 16k / Cebu

Dempsey Resource Management Inc.
Posted 30d+ ago
Providing waxing, facials, body treatments, and makeup applications and lessons.
Adhering to appointments in a timely manner by monitoring time schedule.
Welcoming clients in a warm, friendly manner, accompanying them to and from treatment rooms, and thanking them sincerely on departure.
Interviewing clients to obtain information about contraindications, and examining skin to evaluate the suitability of treatments.
Advising clients on skincare and recommending suitable treatments and home care regimens.
Engaging and conversing with clients during sessions on topics relating to their interests.
Maintaining product knowledge to promote and sell spa and salon services, and retail products.
Adhering to esthetics policies pertaining to chemical usage, and cleaning, sanitizing, and maintenance of equipment.
Caring for linens and replacing them between sessions.
Ceasing treatment and informing supervisor in the event of inappropriate guest behavior.

The Aesthetician primarily performs various procedures on the patient such as cleaning, facials, and other face and body treatments using the highest quality of products and machines.
Candidate must be a graduate of any 4-year course
Preferably with at least 1 year of related experience."

Working schedule
6 days a week
Clinic Hours: 10:00AM-5:00/7:00PM
1 Day Off (Weekday)

For training in Manila for 4-6 months. Flight, accommodation, allowance and salary will be provided during her training period.

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Company profile

Dempsey Resource Management Inc.

Human Resources & Recruitment11-50 employees

(DEMPSEY) is an executive search and referral services company. We do assist our client companies in the sourcing of competent and qualified candidates to fill up various job positions in their organization. The job positions we are targeting for our referred candidates are those intended for direct hiring by our clients.

Our company is not a contracting agency. We do not hire and deploy people to other companies for contractual, temporary jobs or even special projects.

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