Data Analyst (Start ASAP | Onsite - Antipolo)

Posted 1mo ago

Job Responsibilities:                                                                                                                                          

  • Complete weekly and monthly reporting for Photo/Video department                                               
  • Handle monthly allocation and financial reporting                                                                                      
  • Complete deliverable verification for projects and content                                                                          
  • Support department projects by vetting data in Excel spreadsheets and checking online assets
  • Support the 3D Tuning data process


Job Requirements:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Must be able to work Monday – Friday 7:00AM-4:00PM EST.
  • Intermediate to advanced Excel knowledge. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Excel functions such as pivot tables, lookup functions, date validation, conditional formatting, and charts.



  • 5+ years of experience preferred.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a data analyst?
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?

Company profile

Information & Communication Technology101-1,000 employees

Intelegencia started its operations in March 2009 with humble beginnings in a small basement sub-office with just one team member inspired by the vision of our Founder and CEO, Perry Chaturvedi. Perry wanted to create an organization that would make every effort to create value for our clients by embracing and implementing the goals of our clients. We have been doing just that focusing on one client at a time. The journey has been nothing but exciting and rewarding. We continue to evolve and grow each year and, today, we support our clients globally across North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. We do this by combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across majori

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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