Creative Designer

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Posted 5d ago

As a Creative Designer, you will play a pivotal role in executing a wide range of design tasks, both for the company and its clients. From branding and marketing materials to digital and interactive content, including rich media ads, you will be responsible for ensuring all design outputs align with strategic
objectives and deliver visual impact.

The Creative Designer will be responsible for the following:
● Develop, manage, and optimize interactive online content, with a specialization in rich media advertising.
● Design, create, and enhance company branding assets, ensuring alignment with the overall brand identity.
● Ensure the timely delivery of creative outputs.
● Analyze briefs for each project and present design concepts to relevant stakeholders.
● Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure that all designs align with both the company’s and clients’ branding standards.
● Evaluate the effectiveness of design work in achieving clients’ campaign objectives.
● Provide expert advice and guidance on the visual direction for campaigns and promotional events.
● Proactively generate design ideas to support sales initiatives and enhance marketing efforts.


● Adhering to timelines – deliver projects on time
● Quality and effectiveness of work


● Work set-up: Hybrid
● Office address: Unit 804, 8/F BDO Equitable Tower, 8751 Paseo de
Roxas, Makati City
● Work Schedule: Monday – Friday, 9AM – 6PM

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Creative Designer?
  • How many years of graphic design experience do you have?

Company profile

Advertising, Marketing & Communications11-50 employees

"Established in 1999, we are the leading online media company and provider of digital advertising technologies for both advertisers, publishers, and content creators.

All in all, Innity provides a diverse range of data-driven, interactive, and engaging online marketing solutions:

Display advertising

Mobile advertising

Video advertising

Influencer marketing

Content and influencer marketing

Programmatic solutions

Premium marketplace

We are also the first and only fully transparent ad serving system in Southeast Asia that is IAB certified."

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous Allowance
Paid Leaves
Paid Holidays

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What can I earn as a Creative Designer
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