Japanese IT Servicedesk w/ Routers Servers and Switches

GGIS Services
3 Japanese IT Servicedesk / Helpdesk

Salary: 120,000+

**What the client requires is someone with experience in Enterprise Account management with hands on experience and skills in handling servers, routers and switches.

**Work Onsite in Eastwood

**Dayshift and Weekends Off

ONLY Japanese Bilingual candidates with the said list of skill set needed.

Non Negotiable Skill Set Required:

Experience in Servers, Routers and Switches - troubleshooting skills
• Understanding of server operations and practical experience with server systems (Mandatory)

Integrated Lights-Out (ILO)
Experience with enterprise server management
Ticket handling experience (Mandatory)

Job summary
3 Japanese IT Servicedesk with Enterprise Account management with hands on experience and skills in handling servers, routers and switches.

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