Software Specialist for Print Services & Document/20k/Makati

Dempsey Resource Management Inc.
oVocational Diploma/Short Course Certificate, Bachelor's/College Degree
oFresh Graduate to 1 Year experience
oEffective problem-solving skills
oStrong work ethic and demonstrate excellent communication and organizational skills.
oAble to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.
oHighly organized with great time-management skills.
oPossess analytical skills to analyze financial data, spot discrepancies & identify trends *& patterns.
oMust maintain high ethical standards and demonstrate strict confidentiality.

Job Description:
oRepresent and promote product to customers including product market opportunity identification.
oDiagnosing and solving hardware/software/network faults
oAnalyzing communication logs to spot underlying issues.
oFinding individual solutions for customizing and bug fixing.
oIn charge of the Installation, configuration and implementation of our software on the customer’s network, both remote and on-site.
oTraining new customers on how to operate the so1ftware and how to integrate it successfully into their processes.
oCreates and maintains the Project Book containing all documents and correspondences exchanged during the project.

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Company profile

Dempsey Resource Management Inc.

Human Resources & Recruitment11-50 employees

(DEMPSEY) is an executive search and referral services company. We do assist our client companies in the sourcing of competent and qualified candidates to fill up various job positions in their organization. The job positions we are targeting for our referred candidates are those intended for direct hiring by our clients.

Our company is not a contracting agency. We do not hire and deploy people to other companies for contractual, temporary jobs or even special projects.

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