Ship Management Head (Balikpapan)

East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Full time
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Posted 1mo ago
  • Overall in-charge for Ship Management operations and performance for a fleet of coastal tugs & barges, oil barges, self-propelled barges and coastal tankers.
  • Leading & motivating a team comprising technical, marine, safety and crewing personnel.
  • Overall in-charge for health and safety of crew and office based personnel.
  • Budgeting running costs, capex and operational capex to ensure vessels are maintained in good running condition at all times.
  • Reporting running costs, variations and actions taken to the Board at regular intervals.
  • Define key performance indications covering the scope of operations and report performance to the Board on a regular basis.
  • Setting up digital tools and processes to cover the full scope of vessel management. These include fuel monitoring system, PMS, vessel preventive maintenance system and crewing database.
  • Working closely Owners, repair yards, vendors to effectively manage overall cost for Owners.
  • Keeping abreast of classification rules and regulations that affect the shipping industry including local or country specific regulations for Indonesia.
  • Ensuring compliance with all national, international, flag state regulations and class requirements
  • Implement procedures for crew training and welfare.
  • Ensure procurement policies are aligned to the group and all procurement carried out in the most efficient manner.
  • Suggest, initiate and implement improvement actions to reduce running costs.
  • Travel within Indonesia or overseas as needed.


  • Minimum 10 years’ Ship Management and Shipping Technical experience with at least 3 years in leadership role.
  • Prior sailing experience as Chief/ 2nd Engineer
  • Prior experience of managing tugs & barges in Indonesia (essential)

Knowledge, skills and abilities

  • Possess good working knowledge in Ship and general management
  • Possess good technical and problem solving skills
  • Familiar with computer based applications for planned maintenance (PMS),
  • Possess good business & financial acumen with leadership & communication skills.
  • Possess strong strategic abilities and a wide network of contacts.
  • Results-oriented and performance driven
  • Language proficiency: English and Bahasa


  • Chief Engineer sea-going experiences, with qualification in Certification of Competency Class 1 Motor ( COC Class 1)
  • Masters in shipping, logistics or general management is preferred

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Are you available to travel for this role when required?
  • Are you available to work outside your usual hours when required? (e.g. weekends, evenings, public holidays)
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Are you willing to relocate for this role?

Company profile

Consulting Services1,001-5,000 employees

We are Forestry Company with headquartered in Jakarta and We have a strong presence supported by over 1.000 employees from multiple business industry. Our site is located in Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Papua.

We envision global vision and worldwide distribution and always innovate and develop business by seeing the potential that exists.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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