Marketing Support Staff

  1. Recruitment of information center and agent
  2. Implement marketing activities
  3. Installing of information center
  4. Monitor competitors marketing and make a report about it
  5. Manage and monitor recruit information center and agent endorsement and releases

Company profile

Banking & Financial Services101-1,000 employees


People’s Credit Network Finance Company Inc. (PCNFCI) is a financing company that aims to continuously provide suitable access to credit to our targeted niche markets. We offer group salary loans and individual salary loans to government and non-government agencies. We believe that our people are our most valuable assets.

Company Mission:

To be the household name in the community where we operate by offering fast, fair and friendly financial solutions.To build long-term relationships with our client and become a partner in addressing both their day-to-day and long term growth needs.To provide growth opportunities and a healthy working environment for our employees.

Company Vision:

To provide fast, fair and friendly access to financing for the underbanked.

Company Core Values:

C - Clients come firstH - HonestyA - AccountabilityM - MalasakitP - Performance Driven

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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