Stock Custodian

Graduate of any four or two years related course
Experienced in Inventory Management
With good organizational skills and attention to detail
Knowledgeable in standard cleaning methods and procedures
Knowledgeable in MS Office
Can work under pressure with minimal supervision

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Company profile

Retail & Consumer Products1,001-5,000 employees

CAVITEMEATS AGRI-TRADING INC., started in 2016 with the main purposes of engaging in hog dealership, sourcing meat from several farms in Southern Luzon, in order to supply the pork requirements of various wet markets and Super Market in the areas of Dasmariñas, Imus, Pasay and Subic. Through persistent effort, the fledgling company was able to develop its market, and in a short period ventured into the commercial growing of hogs or hog farming involves: breeding, gestation, birthing (known in the industry as farrowing), weaning, nursery, and hog finishing. To be able to meet the growing demand for their products.

In November 2016, Cavite Meats Agri-Trading Inc., formally registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to be included among the selected companies contributing to the nation-wide thrust towards agro-industrial development. The quest for improvement has not stop since. The ever-rising consumer standards and the constantly changing business climate demanded heightened awareness and quick response. The company convincingly met these challenges and, before long Cavite Meats Agri-Trading Inc, established itself as one of the major player in the fresh meat industry.

Perks and benefits
paid SL&VL, Annual Performance bonus

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