

  • Bachelor's degree in accounting, business or any related course
  • 1-3 years previous experience in an accountancy role, experience with importation.
  • Strong strategic thinking and analytical skills.
  • Knowledge of accounting and financial processes
  • Excellent communication and presentation abilities.



GENTRO INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS, INC. has two divisions: the food and non-food. The Company’s major brands in food are LIBERTY, FARMTOWN, MANI and COUNTRY FARM; Non-food brands are GIGGLES, SO SOFT, SILK SECRETS, SILK SOFT, MED GUARD, FEMME FRESH, FINESS, OPAL, TWIDDLES, PLUSH, DENTRUST, DISPOSABLE DIAPERS, BABY CARE PRODUCTS, FEMININE NAPKINS, TISSUES, TOOTHPASTE, HYGIENIC WIPES, COTTON BUDS AND HANDSOAP. Gentro International Products, Inc. believes that the quality of their products is one of the major reasons for the Company’s success. The Company places high emphasis on product innovation through research, development and technical improvements.

The products of Gentro International Products, Inc. continue to improve to International standards and follow the latest development of the world’s market.  This strategy ensures Gentro International Products, Inc. to maintain its competitiveness in the Philippine market.

GENTRO INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS, INC. promotes high quality products for the Philippine market with effective marketing methods to its prospective clients and distributors all over the country.  It has a nationwide sales and distribution network to determine the demand of each area.  It does its best to provide the most effective and complete marketing support for each market. It seeks for the best benefits from the commonly developed market with the customers and distributors.

The Corporate’s thrust is mainly dedicated to market products that will satisfy the needs and wants of the buying consumers in accordance to the principles and concepts of today’s market.

We are now on our move to fulfill and recognize the integral essence of our visions and missions, and so you, being industry partners, we are expecting your open arm’s concern and support into this endeavor.

GENTRO INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS, INC. follows the principles of “QUALITY FIRST” and provides the best products that are suitable for the Philippine Market.

GENTRO INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS, INC. expects to coordinate with more companies in order to develop the business and make it a great success in the coming centuries.

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